Parenting Bright Kids Who Struggle in School
A Strength-Based Approach to Helping Your Child Thrive and Succeed
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Robert Brooks
Ph.D.Faculty, Harvard Medical School
If you answered YES to even one of these questions, your child could be suffering from extreme stress at school. The environment might not be a good fit for how your child learns.
To get a list of the common indicators that the school might be a poor fit or that your child could use some additional support, put your name and email in the box below and I’ll send over a checklist of the Signs and Signals to watch for. Once you know if your child is experiencing from any of these stresses, it’s time to take action. Support your child now to avoid even bigger problems later.
Dewey Rosetti
Speaker, Author, Consultant,
Accepting my daughter’s struggles in school and finding solutions for her set me on my own journey of understanding the struggles children with learning differences face. I have spent the last 20 years helping parents navigate school systems so they can help their children thrive and succeed.
Your child’s challenges could be many different things:
Slow processing
Challenges decoding words
Visual issues
And more.
You won’t know until you have your child tested. Often the school system delays this as long as possible but you shouldn’t. Some neuropsychologists who do the testing offer sliding scales. Find one near you. Your school learning specialist will have a list of qualified testers in your area or go to my resources page for more information.
Hi. I’m Dewey Rosetti and I know the struggle parents go through when their child is suffering in school. I’ve been there myself with my daughter. I’ve worked with families for over 20 years to help them figure out what’s going on when their child doesn’t want to go to school.
Maybe it’s social isolation because she can’t follow the conversation.
Maybe it’s failing grades because he can’t finish his test (or barely gets started) in the time allotted.
Maybe she can’t sit still for so long every morning.
There are countless scenarios and it all leads to one solution:
Dewey Rosetti
The one-size fits all school system leaves many children out. Children aren’t cookie-cutter kids that all fit into a mold. Some do. Some don’t.
Your child CAN succeed in the right environment. It’s important to pay attention to the signs your child is giving you. Download the checklist and see if any of these signs are happening in your household. If so, it’s time to get help. The sooner you uncover the real problem, the sooner your child will begin to thrive. If the problem unattended, your child could suffer from:
loss of confidence
feeling stupid
low self-esteem
and even worse…
Get answers today. Many resources are available. Check out my resource page.
Put your name and email in below and I’ll send you a checklist of the Signs and Signals to watch for. Once you know, it’s time to take action to support your child and avoid even bigger problems later.